It’s Good to be Back

Wow….It’s almost been 3 years since I’ve last blogged! It’s crazy how much has changed and how much has stayed the same.

My kids are older and that brings more activities. I went back to work full-time at a junior high and Kyle went back to school for his masters.
We are still living in Texas and loving it and Kyle is still coaching 3 sports which keeps us VERY busy. I am still trying to treat my AI symptoms as holistically as I can and for the most part, I still feel really good!

Which leads me to why I decided to jump back in to blogging.

I went for a run today for the first time in well over a year. I have always been a runner but was a sprinter most of my life but I have come to love running. No agenda, no expectations, just me and the pavement. Today, I got to the 1/2 mile mark and started feeling an all too familiar pain on the side of my knee. I have battled this pain for years and it has kept me from training and racing. I’ve tried new shoes, stretching, foam rolling, icing, slowing down, adding walking to my run, I’ve tried it all but nothing worked. I get 1/2 mile in and start to notice the pain and by one mile, I can’t run anymore. It happens every. single. time!

A few years ago I did a Whole30 and because my body felt so good, I decided to start running again. I knew I would only make it a mile but my body was ready to just move. But for the first time, I was pain free for the entire run and every run after that! Which lead me to believe that the pain I had been feeling (and am currently feeling) was all from inflammation. Easy fix, just stay away from the foods that cause inflammation {insert sarcasm here}

For the past six months-maybe more- my diet has been all over the place. I eat healthy(ish) for the most part but I have weekends/weeks where I throw caution to the wind and eat anything and everything. Queso, ice cream, bread, candy….If I want it, I eat it. With my autoimmune issues, I know there are foods that I need to stay away from and I aso know there are foods that bother me but I have been ignoring all of that and eating whatever I want. My body has been screaming at me but I’ve been ignoring it. My joints hurt all day, I frequently have “hot” spots on my skin that feel like a sunburn, my stomach is constantly bloated, and know my knee pain.

I can’t ignore it anymore.

So today I’m going Paleo. I don’t recommend Paleo to everyone but for me, it’s what works.  After years of playing around with different nutrition plans, I know what works for me and what doesn’t. I feel my best when I cut out grains and dairy as well as gluten. I am going to be using my blog as a way to hold myself accountable and share my best tips and recipes.

So here’s to day one of Paleo and day 1 of feeling much better!